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来源:学大教育     时间:2015-12-15 23:13:09


导演: Lisandro Duque Naranjo

编剧: 加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯 / Lisandro Duque Naranjo

类型: 剧情

制片国家/地区: Venezuela / Colombia

语言: 西班牙语

上映日期: 2001-10-26

又名: The Invisible Children

看不见的孩子的剧情简介 · · · · · ·

A magic adventure for children and adults. Because magic and enchantment do not have age. Rafael is a seven year old child madly in love with Martha Cecilia. He wants to see her up close without being noticed by her and takes off into the adventure of becoming invisible. Holding a scapular of the Virgin of Carmen, he followed the instructions of a brochure of magic to put his t...

Lisandro Duque Naranjo is a prestigious Colombian director and screenwriter whose work can be seen in the following feature films: El escarabajo (The Scarab) (1984), Visa USA (1986), Milagro en Roma (Miracle in Rome, cowritten with Gabriel García Márquez) (1989), and Los ninos invisibles (The Invisible Children) (2001). He is currently a lecturer in the master's program in creative writing at the National University and is a columnist for the El Espectador newspaper, a weekly published on Sunday, for which he obtained the Simón Bolívar award for the best opinion columnist in 2001.


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